Étiquette : football américain

Reconnaissance ADEPS

Après 2 ans d’efforts et de patience, après avoir passé le CSS et présenté notre sport à la Ministre Valérie Glatigny, nous avons reçu aujourd’hui la lettre de confirmation que la Ligue Francophone de Football Américain – LFFA est une Fédération reconnue par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Nous tenons à remercier tous ceux et celles qui de près ou de loin ont contribué à cette reconnaissance qui permettra à notre fédération de se développer, concrétiser ses projets et faire rayonner le football américain francophone autour de nous.

Mais le travail ne fait que commencer, les formations des coachs et des arbitres, le développement des sportifs de haut niveaux, les subsides et beaucoup d’autres tâches nous attendent !

Pour plus de renseignements sur l’ADEPS, visitez la page https://www.sport-adeps.be



Nos équipes LFFA ont été éliminées lors de la dernière phase des Playoffs.

Les Brussels Tigers se sont inclinés 34-36 face aux Otsend Pirates.

Les Fighting Turtles se sont inclinés 49-00 face aux Brussels Black Angels.

Rendez-vous ce 26/06/2016 à Sint-Niklaas pour la finale nationale.

INFO ET TICKETS : http://www.basc.be/events

Nous précisons que des difficultés sont intervenues concernant la tenue du Belgian Bowl. Voyez à ce sujet l’interview de Pascal DECOO, trésorier BAFL : http://www.gridiron.be/interview-de-la-bafl-sur-le-belgian…/

BAFL – Invitation aux clubs – CHAMPIONNAT JUNIORS

Dear members,


The BAFL and the National Youth Committee (Stijn De Backer, Pascal Decoo) invite you to partake in the 2016 Junior U19 competition.

There are two leagues. The first one is 9 man football with the same principles and format as last year, with the same requirements on player numbers. Then we have a 7 man set-up which is a preparation step to move to 9 man. So the 9 man football is the main championship league and the 7 man football is a developmental league. Please find the specifics AND READ EVERYTHING VERY CAREFULLY!!! THE DEADLINES ARE VERY STRICT!


    • 9-man football on a full sized field with field goals
    • NCAA rules apply – 12 minute quarters
    • 3 lineman are needed and maximum of 4 players in the backfield
    • Each team must have a license list of 20 players with minimum of 15 on gameday
    • Juniors are players born in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001
    • The season MAY start on the second sunday  of September 2016
    • Sunday games are the rule, Saturday games a possibility.
    • All junior players need to be correctly licensed
    • A 5 – man BAFOC crew will be present
    • Every team must provide 2 team officials
    • Team officials and coaches MUST be present at the BAFOC rules clinics
    • Games will be played with official size and weight NCAA marked Balls
    • Each team must provide an ambulance with crew
    • Home teams must provide  18 L of water
    • All junior coaches must attend the juniors rules clinic beginning of September
    • Participation fee is 50 € payable to the BFL payable by the deadline
  • Registration deadline is JUNE 1st 2016


  • It is advised to teams who haven’t participated last season to start out in the 7 man league!


    • 7-man football on a full sized field with no field goals
    • NCAA rules apply – 20 minute quarters
    • 3 lineman are needed and maximum of 4 players in the backfield
    • Linemen can not catch a pass as per NCAA rules
    • RULE modifications: No kick offs, no punts, field goals are allowed, After changes of possession (except interception or fumble recovery) the ball will be placed on the 35 yard line of the team on offense. Running clock – only time outs stop the clock.
    • Each team must have a license list of 15 players with minimum of 10 on gameday
    • Juniors are players born in 1997, 1998; 1999 and 2000 and 2001
    • The season MAY start on the second Sunday  of September 2016
    • Sunday games are the rule, Saturday games a possibility.
    • All junior players need to be correctly licensed
    • A 3 – man BAFOC crew will be present
    • Every team must provide 2 team officials
    • Team officials and coaches MUST be present at the BAFOC rules clinics
    • Games will be played with official size and weight NCAA marked Balls
    • Each team must provide an ambulance with crew
    • Home teams must provide  18 L of water
    • All junior coaches must attend the juniors rules clinic beginning of September
    • Participation fee is 50 € payable to the BFL payable by the deadline
  • Registration deadline is JUNE 1st 2016


  • It is advised to teams who haven’t participated last season to start out in the 7 man league!


REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Please register your team by June 1st to Stijndebacker@pandora.be and copy Pascal Decoo pascal.decoo@bafl.be so that we can publish the schedule by AUGUST 1ST.

PLEASE ALSO MAIL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS Registration procedure : Participation fee is 50 € (non refundable) payable on the BFL account BE14 3101 9884 0083 before July 15th 2016. An invoice will be provided later. Payment confirms initial registration. So if you are registered but do not pay on time your registration will default. Based on this registration a preliminary schedule will be drawn up. By September 1st each team must provide a provisional player list with 20 players for 9 man football and 15 players for 7 man football. Failure to do so on time will result in a 250 € fine. If a team who registers for 9 man football and by the 1st of September does not have the required amount of players can still participate in the developmental league but will still need to pay the fine. If a team pulls out of the competition between Sept 1st and the end of the season will be fined 500 € and any costs incurred by participating teams. Teams who forfeit a game because of insufficient players (before or during the game) will be fined 250 €.
Yours sincerely, Stijn De Backer

Youth Player development